Orland Park Mayor Calls Out Pritzker

Orland Park is a very nice town, similar to Naperville, but with slightly less than half the population. Mayor Keith Pekau, said “enough is enough” when it comes to Illinois Governor Pritzker’s ‘weird science’ and ‘asinine display of logic’ in keeping the economy in lock down, and at best, slowly opening it at the speed of pouring honey on a cold January day.

Mayor Pekau is a big-time supporter for Orland Park businesses and residents, however he is no fan of Pritzker’s policy of hurting residents and business. Watch and listen as he makes his point with numerous examples of Pritzker’s lunacy in governing:

The State of Illinois is in big trouble financially. Is it any wonder why. One only has to consider the huge void in leadership, when you consider our governor, two senators, and mayor of Chicago. You have to give credit to Mayor Keith Pekau for calling out Pritzker. Somebody has to.

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  1. Gerard H Schilling

    We should be so lucky as to have a Mayor and Council with the guts to tell the Governor to go to hell!

  2. Jim Haselhorst

    Yes, lets be like the southern states and produce such high spikes in new cases that US travelers will not be allowed in Europe.

    Yes, lets be like 9 other states with such rapidly increasing positivity numbers that NY, NJ and CT require travelers from these states to quarantine for 14 days.

    Yes, lets be like Texas with 98% of it ICU capacity filled and at its current positivity rate will exceed its capacity in the next couple of days if not sooner. Nothing like letting doctors decided who gets life saving medical care and who does not.

    Lets also forget that Illinois is the only state complying with the Trump Whitehouse and CDC recommendations for when to open up and who’s leadership has regular discussions with Dr Fauci about what steps to take next.

    You had no problems with Trump Admin guidance when it was released and promulgated by CDC, but suddenly have a problem with these guidelines when followed by Democratic Governors. Yeah, we get that you’re suffering from Pritzker Malice Syndrome (PMS).

    • watchdog

      Jim, take a deep breath, and relax a bit. You’re showing the effects of oxygen deprivation from the mask.

      • Jim Haselhorst

        No. My mask is just fine. I don’t get all claustrophobic like some people do over a mask. Remember the military trained me to run for extended periods of time in full MOP gear (i.e. wearing a gas mask). So these face covering are nothing to me.

        But you do seem to have a problem accepting and discussing real world facts. Sorry if the truth causes your butt to hurt. But I would think you’d be use to that by now considering how many times Trump has screwed you.

        • watchdog

          Ah Jim, you have a good sense of humor. It’s OK if you are a closet-Trump-supporter. There are millions. On a more serious note, I did not know you were in the military. Thank you Jim for your service and I truly mean that.

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