Council Field Reaches Eight

The 2025 Naperville Council race reaches eight with Derek McDaniel announcing on social media today that he is entering the race.

McDaniel brings a solid history of community service and has a very solid professional background. He wanted to run in 2023 but was kicked off the ballot after Naperville’s local Democratic Party foolishly, but successfully, challenged his filing.

The Watchdog says it was a very foolish challenge as McDaniel getting bounced meant remaining R candidates had no one to split votes with. Whoever the fool was that succeeded in getting McDaniel tossed is the primary reason Naperville has a Republican council right now.

Yes this is a nonpartisan race. Those watching know better. Party politics have swallowed our council races. No candidate is viable without one party or the other and this has been the sad reality for quite sometime.

Is the field of Eight Enough? Like Mikey, will Naperville voters like it? Time will tell but this looks like a strong field filled with well credentialed candidates. Naperville voters will have strong options to choose from.

Note: The Watchdog had confirmed that McDaniel, unlike at least 2 of the incumbents, is a long time tax paying resident. Unlike incumbent Holzhauer, we have also found McDaniel to have 1. posted no semi-nude pictures of himself on Facebook and 2. has no history of being called in by City legal for social media misbehavior.

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  1. Pat Berg

    Maybe McDaniel will figure out how to fill out the forms properly this time. If he doesn’t have the attention to detail on something so important such as filling out his own candidacy documents, what else will he mess up?

  2. Jim Haselhorst

    Semi-nude? Do you mean like someone posting a picture of themselves wearing only boxer shorts or a thong swim speedo? The prefixes of semi and neo get used a lot to imply things that are bad based on context, but when looked at in a more rational context, they’re benign.

    As to council members with a history of incidents involving the police, this is hardly a new thing and several past council members have been “guilty” of this “crime”.

    One final question for the WD, Just how long do you intend to let Ian and Benny live in your head rent-free?

    Just keep beating that dead horse. You clearly enjoy pissing in the wind.

    • Nate Naper

      I believe the Watchdog voiced support for Bennys re-election. It seems to be Ian drawing the Dog’s fire…for good reason. Ian is a stroke.

      • Jim Haselhorst

        The WD has not endorsed Benny for re-election!!!

        The WD has curtailed his attacks on Benny and has commented that Benny is qualified to run, but this has more to do with the WD’s inability to continue these red herring type attacks against Benny.

        When it comes election time, you can be sure the WD will provide many reasons why not to endorse or support Benny for re-election, and why Naperville residents should not vote for him.

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