Ashfaq Brings the Squad to Town

We’ve posted a few articles that have bemoaned the clear partisan bent that our council has taken. Candidate Ashfaq Syed is upping the ante. He’s going all in on pandering to progressive activists by way of his decision to bring fanatical Squad member and congresswoman, Delia Ramirez, to Naperville to kickoff his campaign.

Please make no mistake about it. Members of the Squad are anti-Israel, anti-police, and anti-U.S. military fanatics who proudly preach Socialism. They support taking a knee whenever the national anthem is played. They are simply anti-America.

Syed has a strong record of service in Naperville. Why he would make the horrific decision to kickoff his campaign with a member of the fanatical Squad is simply dumbfounding. Did he learn nothing from Benny White’s surprising loss? Branding yourself as a progressive activist is a very tough sell to a solid majority of Naperville. Branding yourself as supporting the Squad? Forget it.

The Watchdog has written multiple articles complimenting Syed. His decision to start off his campaign with Ramirez means one of two things, both of which are disastrous. He either shares Ramirez’s extremist and anti-American views or he is uninformed, naive and he simply made a recklessly poor decision to bring her on to start his campaign.

The Watchdog hopes it’s the latter but either answer leads back to the same conclusion … Syed clearly isn’t ready to serve on council.

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  1. NNLF

    And they shall make themselves known by their Acts, for they shall be judged on such. If a Candidate is so concerned about rigid progressive dogma that they would seek endorsement from National packagers and special interests, before even releasing their first thought to those actual folks they would seek to represent? Ouch, that’s a little heavy on the gleeful implementation of the Marxist ideology. Wrapping an interest in local City Council with National puppeteers is an instant and absolute non-starter. There will be no North Central Tiananmen Square in our Northside. None of your Palestine encampments or your whirling dervish unelectable Congressfreaks needed. This is a nice little town, with nice little local nice town needs, issues, concerns and entanglements. Your “let’s make every battle a local nuclear war” approach to life isn’t wanted. We would suggest a full dismissal with prejudice of this Candidate- we don’t want, need, or care to play the Think Global, Manipulate Local manipulation on the local level game. Get thee away with your Squad shenanigans and witchcraft, we’ll have none of that.

    • Mark Urda

      If they will be know by their Acts, then Ashfaq’s years of supporting many community interests and charities demostrates him as a individual with a passion for public service with proven results. Ashfaq in partnership with Mark Rice mobilized over 100 community organizations to make Naperville the number 1 census reporting city resulting in millions dollars in tax dollars for the city. In addition to his massive community service efforts, Ashfaq’s day job is commercial banker, hardly the profession of a socialist or communist. I think you should get to know Ashfaq instead spreading this kind of silly mistepresentation of him and his considerable Acts that greatly benefitted Naperville over the past eight years

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