Holzhauer Skips Independence Day Events, No One Surprised

Yesterday the City of Naperville held its annual Fourth of July ceremonial events in Naperville’s Brookdale neighborhood and neighborhood marches in Will County. Noticeably absent from these important community events was – again – Councilman Holzhauer.

Some months ago Holzhauer touched on his attendance issues during a council meeting citing health problems.

Subsequent to his announcement about his health issues, he put out an announcement that he was going through a divorce and was moving to a new residence.

Prior to all of this, he announced the forming of a new law firm, a new partnership, and the creation of a novel new legal business model.

This man has a lot on his plate. Probably too much.

When Ian is at council meetings, he sure is not an active participant like he used to be. He skipped the new Mayor’s first State of the City address. Now he’s skipping the City Independence Day events?

Here’s a question:

Why doesn’t Holzhauer just step down and let someone take his seat who has the time to do the job?

The Watchdog has no idea what is going on with Holzhauer personally … we can only speculate. But in many respects, it just doesn’t matter. Naperville is a top American suburb and its residents deserve councilmen who have the time and energy to focus on the job and to do it well.

Right now that just isn’t Ian. For the community’s sake, and likely his own, Ian should strongly consider whether or not stepping down might be in the best interests of all involved. Right now he’s doing no one any favors by continuing to hold office.

Naperville, not any one individual’s political ambitions, should come first. Ian you’re still a young man by politician standards, focus on yourself for now and return to politics when you have the time to do it right.





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  1. John Georgias

    I am actually glad Ian is not there more, he doesn’t seem to be looking out for Naperville the city or the citizens when he is there. Let’s be happy he is not pushing more spending boondoggles like another outrageously expensive sign or promoting a gun ban to nowhere!! Or maybe an assistant to the assistant manager of DEI. We certainly don’t need him fanning the flames for a ceasefire or some other far left activist propaganda. I do hear he is running again however he may want to reconsider since the evidence suggests he may not be all that interested in doing the job beyond an occasional appearance to spend other people’s money!!

  2. Janice Anderson

    I reminisce about a time when the community in Naperville felt more close-knit and local, with people staying home for holidays and engaging more deeply with their families and neighbors. Changes in lifestyles, such as having second homes or different holiday traditions, can sometimes make a community feel less connected. However, the efforts of local officials and community members to participate in local events can help preserve that sense of community. It’s always valuable to encourage and appreciate those who prioritize local engagement and foster a strong community spirit. Well done Benny, Allison, Nate and Ashfaq. Nice to see mayor Wehrli in full blown George Pradel mode. But, where is Ian?

    • Joan Murray

      Where was Jennifer Bruzan Taylor? Was josh mcbroom there or was he at his expensive lake house ?

  3. Mark.Urda

    Perhaps it would be better to call for Leong and Taylor to announce their decision not to run again, since both had previously announced plans to run for other office after little over a year after being elected. Naperville deserves commitment as demonstrated by Ian in both his previous service to his country and Chamber of Commerce and his continued Council role, and not the political ambition shown by Leong and Taylor.

  4. Joan Murray

    Jennifer Bruzan Taylor was not at the parade either.

  5. Jim Haselhorst

    I will start by noting that until recently the Watchdog never commented on who did or did not attend any give community or city event. Further since starting this new practice it has primary targeted only council members label “liberals” by the Watchdog.

    It also should be noted that many council members in the past and present, those labeled both “conservative” and “liberal”, have not only been very active in council meetings. Is the Watchdog saying any current council member who only appears to be casting votes and not engaging in meaningful dialog before voting, should step down and not run for re-election?

    Finally, as to being “missing in action” it should be noted there have been many times in the past when council members were absent from multiply council meeting in a year. In fact there was one previous council member that regularly conference called in for council meeting, interacting primarily only in voting. Interesting how this is only an issue, again, for “liberal” council members.

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