Do People Know Any Councilman Can Motion for a Ceasefire

Residents continue to come to City Hall and demand a Ceasefire in Gaza resolution be passed by Naperville. This has been going on for months now – and to the great aggravation of liberal activists and progressives who desperately want this resolution passed – it has not been called for a vote. Strangely, these activists direct all of their ire for their not being a resolution passed toward Mayor Wehrli.

It makes the Watchdog wonder, do these people not understand that any councilman on the dais could motion for a vote on a Ceasefire resolution? It also just takes 3 councilmen to put the item on the agenda for hearing and roll call vote.

Most of these activists supported White for Mayor. Why doesn’t he make the motion? Same with Holzhauer. These speakers often seem to be his crowd politically. He has done nothing on this. We know the answer is that both councilmen know it’s ridiculous and a political death knell to do it. But that answer shouldn’t be satisfactory to these passionate speakers.

Activists stop directing your ire on this toward the Mayor and start directing it toward those officials who you supported. They are the ones betraying you not the Mayor. Stop letting them off the hook.

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  1. Joan Murray

    They want a resolution passed so they want support from all. Only one voting in favor doesn’t help. So then they should direct their ire at those who they know won’t support whatever resolution one wants.

  2. Jim Haselhorst

    Funny, the Watchdog and others on this site have continually call me a liberal, yet I have clearly spoken out against the city council passing any such resolution.

    The ideal that the push for this resolution is something supported by all “liberal” is simply a lame attempt to “tar and feather” all people on the left by making this baseless claim. Claims like this about liberal has more to do with political agendas then truth in the real world.

    There are a lot of people on the left that support Israel as well as believe that city council needs to stick to local city governance (stay in their wheelhouse) and stay out of all state and national issues that have nothing to do with city government.

      • Jim Haselhorst

        Interesting. The Watchdog is always not posting comments by me supposedly because they had nothing to do with the subject of the original watchdog post.

        Yet here is your post (a supposed reply to my comment) that not only has nothing to do with the Watchdog’s post but nothing to do with my comment on this post.

        Thank you for providing an excellent example of what selective censorship looks like.

        • Robert Hacker

          The fact that they posted this comment that has nothing to do with the original post refutes your argument.

          • Jim Haselhorst

            No is supports my statement

        • Charles Knutson

          I wouldn’t want this out there for everyone to see how Democrats operate in IL either.

  3. Naperville's Northern Liberation Front

    I would suspect that all Councilpersons, including the Anarcho-Leftists who would have us all proclaim sides in a thuggish gang war halfway around the world, realize that there is utterly no place for this kind of ignorance in our City. We have no dogs in this fight, and really, truly don’t need to grow any. A bunch of sociopaths on both sides of an issue have decided to genocide each other. 6,196 miles away from Naperville City Hall. There is no call-up for Napervillians, there is no rush to join up to aid and abet either side, just a lot of very loud, unclean, ill-mannered out-of-towners trying to enlist our endorsement for their hatred.

    If we are going to talk about ceasefires- let’s talk about our very own Little Wisconsin here on the northside! Shortly before 3 pm on Sunday, uncontrolled gunfire erupted on Iroquois, our primary fire truck access between Washington and Ogden. No less than 15 First Responder units from Naperville were called to the crime scene, including K-9’s, drones and a Heavy Weapons Tactical Response Team. The Naperville citizen that was left gut shot bleeding in the gutter while our valiant officers searched for the perpetrator, who remains at large at this hour. How about we all line up behind that? How about if the whole City says that North Naperville is not cool with expanding your Top Golf lifestyle down next to our schools and assisted living facilities? What if the entire City Council, without having to refer to their partisan policy handbooks and run polls to determine if a choice is media friendly or not, decried this wanton violence? Could we have a resolution that says your neighbors north of the train tracks don’t deserve to be shot at? That sounds like the kind of thing that is worthy of our attention on a civic policy making level, and infinitely more useful here in Naperville than sound bite friendly statements of outrage about a couple of groups of desert nomads that have been throwing stones at each other for 3000 years.



    • Jim Haselhorst

      You do realize, that except for the short stretch from the route 59 train station to just south of 87th street Naperville’s Western boundary extends to the North/South running Canadian Northern Railroad tracks, right? This is a huge amount of Naperville (including all of White Eagle, Naperville Crossing, Fry Elementary, Wolf’s Crossing, Freedom Elementary, Commissioners Park, etc) that you would be walling off from Naperville with your route 59 wall.

      Thanks for re-enforcing the idea that city council should focus on the needs of North Naperville over those of South Naperville. This has always been reassuring to the Naperville citizens living in South Naperville who are no strangers to shooting (notably – Naperville father shoot dead in the parking lot of Sullen Middle School)

      As to your obsession with Top Golf, exactly what information or facts do you having linking the shooting on Iroquois to this business? Using Top Golf as a scapegoat for you divisive political propaganda doesn’t make your unsubstantiated claims into fact. And in case you missed it there were shooting in Naperville long before Top Golf was build (case in point the aforementioned Sullen Middle School shooting).

      It would be a nice change to see one of your rant posts actually contain any factual information for a change.

    • Naperville's Northern Liberation Front

      Oddly cynical. We would hope that a Councilperson (or a Council-Hopeful Person) would not publicly come out as favoring one High School’s student athletes over the others, at a time when NAPERVILLE NORTH is the subject of intense observation and scathing judgement from the national media coverage of the Airpod Incident and subsequent slander food fight. Seriously- what are the optics of distancing yourself from a public perception nightmare that as a Councilperson you are an actual party to? Trying to be seen as only to supporting the good kids at Central who don’t get the City sued? We would hope the enthusiastic and financial support for ALL student athlete teams, without concern about their ethnic background, social media presence, or potential exposure in multi-million dollar defamation suits would matter. They are ALL our kids, and we don’t rank them. Shouldn’t our Councilpersons hold themselves to the same standard? We would hope to see screenshots of comparable offers directed to all the other high schools in the area shortly.

    • Jim Haselhorst

      Your are aware that this is the school his children attend, right?

      How many parents do you know that provide support to the athletic events and programs of schools who are rivals of the school their children attend?

      So your butt hurt because Ian is doing what every other parents of a High School Student does? Grow up and stop being such a whiney little snowflake.

  4. Naperville's Northern Liberation Front

    Oh, liberal friend, with views so grand,
    You called me names, made such a stand.
    A “whiney snowflake,” was your jest,
    besmirch my character, undoubtedly your quest.

    We think your words, our patience to test,
    Clearly you’re sleepy, it ain’t your best
    Instead of reason, logic, facts, and such
    You stumble, rant and mock too much.

    You need safe spaces, soft and warm,
    For ideas can indeed cause alarm.
    But I stand strong, my views intact,
    Your barbs, my friend, won’t change a fact.

    Your comfort with doxxing council’s kids is heard,
    your morals seen now seen quite absurd,
    All student athletes enjoy support help and aid,
    Really? Only some should get paid?

    So call me names, throw your parade,
    I’ll still be here, not swayed, not swayed.
    For in this dance of left and right,
    It’s clear we both have much to fight.

    But let’s be fair, let’s keep it bright,
    For in the debate, we find the light.
    I ask this one this personal but easily crak’d nut,
    please limit your comments about my butt.

    And though we clash, it’s plain to see,
    We both love this land of the free.

    • Jim Haselhorst

      First my comment was not directed at your post but a post you commented on.

      Second, you, a person who only posts personal attacks and naming calling, calling me out for naming calling is hilarious. What you can dish it out but not take it? Sound like the definition of a snowflake to me.

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