Happy New Year and Request From the Watchdog

The Watchdog has always been known for being a little prickly. So today the WD will show everyone his softer side and extend a sincere thank you to all of you who follow this page. Best wishes for a great 2025!

While we have you, we will also take any topic ideas for articles in the coming year. What issues do you think Naperville residents would like to read about and/or debate?


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  1. Tim Hughes

    I think we need answers from White and Ian about their real estate taxes and how many years they claimed their benefit! They could have each benefitted from over $200,000 of tax breaks and for them act they like are leaders in thus community is complete B/S. White’s kid even wrote a paper on being a minority in our community schools when his parents were not paying their fair share. Truly unreal! Doubt they care enough to explain themselves but I would love to hear their reasoning.

  2. Jim Haselhorst

    I would like to see the WD stick to its claimed intentions of covering city issues that came before city council during their last meeting.

    I would like to see the WD not wondering off into the rough, chasing after matters that were not brought up during the last council meeting. When it comes to covering political agendas and politically motivated character assassinations, we readers have many other sources we can turn to, to get these kinds of opinions. Continuing down this path only makes the WD less relevant.

    Happy New Year!

    • Watchdog Admin

      The WD would like to note (brag) that views on this page more than doubled year over year this year. Thank you for following our page even if we rarely agree.

    • Ken Reacher

      Start your own blog blowhard.

  3. Naperville's Northern Liberation Front

    While we celebrate the expanded role this particular branch of Citizen Journalism is exercising by throwing a lot more light onto the shenanigans and other activities that our Council has been up to this year, we hope that the statistics have factored for a certain apologist who runs of the view count hourly. We continue to strongly support the Dawg’s efforts, and shudder at the horror of limiting our discourse to the sanitized list of approved topics that Swami Jimmy. Talk about a vibe-killer! And a big second on the start your own blowhard blog… promise to troll you there too.

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